Wednesday, July 30, 2014

and the nominees are.

my lovely life long best friend tagged me in something called the liebster award. the purpose of it is for connection and to build community with fellow bloggers, which I think is pretty rad. so here are the rules:

each person must post eleven things about themselves by answering the questions that the nominator has set for you.
•create eleven questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.
•choose eleven people and link to them in your post.
•go to their page and let them know.
•no tag backs. 

the questions for those i tag:
01| what's the best advice you've ever got?
02| where would you travel if you had all the money to do so?
03| if you could listen to only one song for the next three years what would it be?
04| what made you want to start blogging?
05| what is your favorite picture? (please share)
06| who is your best friend?
07| what's your most embarrassing moment?
08| can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
09| what is a quote, lyric, or saying you live by?
10| do you have a hidden talent? what is it?
11| what is your favorite memory? 

the questions I was tagged in:

what is the inspiration behind your blog title:
-well I'm barefoot ninety percent of the time, & I live in the woods. ;)

what are your biggest dreams for your blog:
-I guess just to be able to always have something on there someone wants to read or look at. & to share my life on here for as long as I can. which leads me to my following answer..

why did you start your blog:
-I want a place to tell my stories (even if they may not be that cool or exciting to others) and share my pictures. a place where I can always go to look back on my life. basically just an online journal, but then I discovered this whole community and fell in love.

what is the craziest thing you've ever done:
-thinking about this question makes me feel like I have a boring life. I once got a ticket for unlawfully towing my brother up a hill on a tricycle. i've done a front hand spring in barnes and noble.. oh and one time me and my cousin tried to shoot a live snake out of a potato launcher.   

what is one thing you are really proud to have overcome in your life:
-I used to have really bad anxiety, there were times I barely slept for weeks on end because of it. I didn't do a lot in that (five year) period of my life. one day I realized I was stronger than it, that feeling that way wasn't healthy and it was my choice to rise above it. & that's what I did, it definitely wasn't easy but I did it. & I haven't had a panic attack in six years.  

what music makes you feel at home:
-country music. that's all that we ever had on while I was growing up, it still is the only thing. even though there's a lot of songs about drinking and riding in trucks. but country music usually always tells a story and it has the most songs about family, love, and having a good time. 

when you were little where did you see your life going? how does it differ from now:
-I saw myself married young to my first love with four kids living in the town I grew up in on a ranch with a big yard (which doesn't even exist in my town). a house with creaky floors and big windows, a front porch to sit on a screen door with our shoes sitting beside it. maybe some chickens, a barn with an american flag on the side of it, and a treehouse. (my eight year old self clearly gave this a lot of thought) now I won't be married to my first love, I think I only want two kids (both boys, like I can choose), I probably won't end up living in my (beloved) home town (I'm planning on leaving it quite soon.. I want to travel the world more than I ever thought I would), and as for my dream of an old farm house that is still very much alive and I think about it everyday. 

what is your favorite type of cup to drink out of:
-any type with a straw. 

what book could you read over and over:
-to kill a mockingbird. & the autobiography of santa claus ;)

if you were a crayon what color would you be:
-royal blue. or black.

what sight makes your heart soar:
-christmas morning, actually just all of christmas time. & the picture in my head of my future home and family. it makes me giddy to think about. 

& my nominees: more to be announced. ;)

McKynzie at

Samantha at

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